Baldur's Gate 3: How to Get Reaper's Embrace

02 Apr 2024

In the vast, fantastical world of Baldur's Gate 3, players are presented with a plethora of opportunities to deck out their characters in various armors, each offering unique benefits that can significantly impact gameplay. Among the cornucopia of available options, the Reaper's Embrace stands out as a particularly coveted piece of magical armor. This illustrious item not only enhances a character's Armor Class (AC) but also bestows upon them a set of unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle. Acquiring the Reaper's Embrace requires both strategy and prowess, making it a goal worthy of pursuit for players looking to optimize their characters' builds.

Finding Reaper's Embrace

The journey to obtaining the Reaper's Embrace is as challenging as it is rewarding. The key to unlocking this powerful armor lies in the defeat of Ketheric Thorm, a formidable adversary who presents one of the toughest challenges in Act 2 of the game. Players must first navigate through the intricacies of Act 1, engaging in various quests and side quests that pique their interest, before setting their sights on the Gauntlet of Shar. It is critical to ensure that all desired quests are completed before this point, as advancing too far may lock out the opportunity to acquire the Reaper's Embrace.

Combat Strategy Against Ketheric Thorm

The battle against Ketheric Thorm is not for the faint of heart. This daunting encounter requires careful preparation and a well-thought-out strategy. Players who have chosen to free the Nightsong will find an invaluable ally in her, as she can significantly ease the burden of the fight, especially during its initial phase. It is also beneficial to delve into Ketheric's journal entries found throughout Act 2, as they contain vital information that could potentially lead to an easier victory. Focus and strategy are paramount in overcoming the Mind Flayer and securing the Reaper's Embrace.

Understanding the Value of Reaper's Embrace

The Reaper's Embrace is more than just a piece of armor; it is a game-changer that can significantly enhance a character's abilities. With an impressive 19 AC and the ability to reduce all incoming damage by 2, this magical plate offers unparalleled protection. Moreover, its unique perks, such as Reaper's Rigidity and the Cantrip - Howl of the Dead, provide tactical advantages that can be exploited for both offensive and defensive purposes. The ability to render enemies numb and gain an advantage on attack rolls against them for three turns is a powerful tool in any player's arsenal.

Optimal Classes for Reaper's Embrace

While the benefits of the Reaper's Embrace can be leveraged by many, certain classes stand to gain the most from this exceptional piece of armor. Melee classes, in particular, can maximize the advantages offered by Reaper's Rigidity and the Numb effect, turning them into formidable forces on the battlefield. Paladins, Fighters, and select Cleric builds, such as those within the Life Domain or War Domain, are among the best fits for the Reaper's Embrace. Their inherent Heavy Armor Proficiency allows them to fully utilize the armor's potential without the need for additional Feats.


Acquiring the Reaper's Embrace in Baldur's Gate 3 is a testament to a player's dedication and skill. This coveted piece of armor not only offers substantial protection but also enables characters to wield unique abilities that can drastically influence the outcome of battles. By following the path laid out in this guide, players can arm themselves with the knowledge needed to claim the Reaper's Embrace and pave their way to victory.